All legal restrictions on our gathering have been removed, and instead, we’ve been encouraged to think carefully about how we manage risk in a proportionate way.
Social Distancing – We have various seating areas in our church that are more generously spaced for those who are still nervous about the risk of infection or who would simply prefer more room during the service. Please do speak to a steward if you need help finding the right seat for your needs.
Ventilation and Hygiene – we continue to ventilate the church building well, leaving doors and windows open when possible to reduce the risk of infection. We also have plenty of hand sanitiser available, as well as face coverings for those who would like to wear them.
Booking – We are no longer asking you to book for services. Only special events (for example, some Christmas Carol concerts where we expect a high number of visitors) will require a booking and those links will appear on our website.