Treehouse Children’s Group

Treehouse is our group for children aged 3-11, and takes place during the 11am service.

We want to help children for a lifetime commitment to living for Jesus, we want to grow disciples! That’s what we aim to do at Treehouse.

We learn all about Jesus through games, craft, dramas, songs and Bible stories.

The important information:

Joining in with the adults: Children join in at church for the first bit of the service. They join in with the adults, singing songs and there might be a little activity for the children to do or an all-age talk. Treehouse then leaves the service together to continue their session in either the Church Cafe Area or Church Gate Centre. If it’s your first time, please send an adult with your children for drop-off so that we can complete any registration required.

Collection at the end of the service: Once the service is finished, please come and collect your children from Treehouse. Please then stay for coffee and chat with the church family.

Visitors: We love having visitors, you are more than welcome to come for a one-off session. If you know you are coming then feel free to contact us if you have any questions or want to let us know, but you are more than welcome to turn up on the day!

Safeguarding your children: the safety and well-being of your children is a top priority for all at Lutterworth Church. All team members of Treehouse are safely recruited and attend safeguarding training. If you would like more information on this please ask.

For more information about Treehouse contact Ben Horrex (Associate Pastor):