A Church Family
We have people of all ages and stages in our congregations. Some come every week, others less often; some are no longer able to join us in person due to ill-health; some of our family have families of their own, others are alone. All are welcome in our church. No matter what your past or present — Jesus is Good News for you!
A Praying Church
We know that this life is not all there is and that so often we mess up. We depend on God for everything — especially for his forgiveness for our mistakes. In Jesus, we can know someone who can meet all our needs. We gather daily to pray to God for his continuing goodness to us.
A Caring Church
Our church is a family — loving one another through thick and thin. We have a committed pastoral care team and bereavement support group and seek to offer prayer and a listening ear to those who need it. We visit people in need and pray for the sick.
A Serving Church
We are committed to serving our community — especially those in need. We are involved as the lead organisation in the Foodbank.
A Civic Church
St Mary’s is the historic parish church of Lutterworth. The building has stood at the centre of our town for 800 years. We are proud to be part of this community and host civic events throughout the year.