Our church is a registered charity and we depend almost entirely on the financial generosity of the church family. We receive no money from the government, but are able to apply for grants for specific projects, such as the Foodbank. We are very grateful to the Town Council, which has taken responsibility for the mowing of the churchyard. But we do not receive any other regular grants to help us run the church and care for the most beautiful and historically significant building in Lutterworth.
We run a pretty lean operation, with the support of many individuals and organisations. Most of the work of the church is carried out by volunteers giving their time and energy freely. We are so grateful to all those who commit their efforts to the work of the church.
Our basic running costs (insurance, energy bills, office costs, building repairs, etc…) add up to a little over £50,000 per year. We work hard to keep these costs to a minimum, whilst doing all that we attempt to a high standard.
Our Parish Contribution is the payment we make to the Diocese of Leicester, which funds clergy (including our own vicar), the cathedral and the central office costs in St Martin’s House. In 2017 we will contributed £42,000 to this fund.
Our church buildings are expensive, but over recent years we have worked hard to make improvements in the most economical way. In 2014 we moved pews and laid carpet to give us more flexible space, in 2015 we worked to improve the look and feel of the Church Gate Centre and in 2016 we redesigned the stage and invested in our sound system. We hope that these efforts will make our buildings more comfortable and useful for mission and ministry.
We are very fortunate to have a gifted and hardworking staff team, only some of whom are paid by the church. Our staff costs do not begin to reflect how much time and energy is poured each day into the work of the church.
- Our buildings are cared for and maintained by volunteers and we only pay people to do the things we cannot do ourselves.
- Church members volunteer in the Church Office, doing amazing work keeping things organised and making sure our communications are clear and comprehensive.
- Most of those leading services, preaching, and teaching the children are not paid to do so.
A big thank you to all those who contribute so much to the life of the church.
Would you like to give to the work of the church?
We will make sure that your contribution is spent wisely. As a registered charity and our finances are overseen by a board of Trustees and reported to the Charity Commission.