We’ve all been more aware during the last 18 months or so for the need to make sure that those around us are loved and supported. It’s not always easy to know how or in what way to do this. The aim of this day conference is to help fill in the gaps, to look at the areas of support that perhaps many of us find difficult to help with and to encourage us that any support is a blessing to those who are struggling.
Gospel-Shaped Pastoral Care
This conference is intended to help local churches in providing good pastoral care – care that encourages people in following Jesus and living lives shaped by God’s grace and kindness. The day is ideal for those involved in pastoral care in their local church, small group leaders and those looking to help and support their fellow Christians.
The sessions will be led by Paul Coulter, an experienced pastor and former medic currently, who works for Living Leadership – a ministry devoted to forming disciple-making leaders. He runs a regular course on the same subject, on which some from our church were recently trained and is kindly offering some of the key highlights in this day conference.
Outline of the Day – Saturday 6th November
- 9.30 Worship and introduction
- 10.00 -11.00 Keeping Care Pastoral: Introducing gospel-shaped pastoral care.
- 11.15- 12.15 In search of understanding: Listening and speaking skills for effective pastoral care.
- 13.00-13.50 Grace and Truth:
The Practice and Gift of Forgiveness
- 14.00-14.50 Health and Wholeness:
A gospel understanding of suffering and sickness, health and healing.
- 15.00- 15.30 Worship and prayer
There will be a coffee/tea break between 11.00 and 11.15 and lunch will be from 12.15 to 1300
Paul Coulter
Paul works for Living Leadership as head of ministry operations. His past ministry experience is as a pastor in a cross-cultural setting and a lecturer in practical theology and missiology. He started his working life as a medic and continues to have a strong interest in bioethical issues. Paul is married to Gar-Ling and they have two children.
Find out more about Paul on his website.
Conference Details
Saturday 6th November, 9.30 to 3.30pm.
St Mary’s Church, Church Gate, Lutterworth, LE17 4AN
Cost £15. Lunch provided.
Please call us on 01455 558797 if you have any questions.