This Holy Week, we’ll have a number of services and activities as a church to remember the events of Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, celebrating the salvation we have through Jesus.
All the services listed below will be available at unless otherwise stated.
Sunday 5th April: Palm Sunday
- 10.30am Palm Sunday Service (watch here)
- 6.15-7.30pm Youth Night (contact Ben Horrex for the link)
Monday 6th April
- 9am Morning Prayer led by Tom Brown
This is a simple pattern with liturgy, bible readings and a hymn. Click here for the order of service.
- 2pm Families Session (contact Ben Horrex for the link)
- 9pm Compline (Night Prayer) led by Ben Williams
This is a quiet service to end the day. The format is very simple, with only a few words to say. It is a time of reflection with music and words to guide our thoughts. Click here to download the order of service.
Tuesday 7th April
- 9am Morning Prayer led by Tom Brown
- 9pm Compline led by Ben Williams
Wednesday 8th April
- 9am Morning Prayer led by Tom Brown
- 2pm Families Session (contact Ben Horrex for the link)
- 9pm Compline led by Ben Williams
Thursday 9th April: Maundy Thursday
- 9am Morning Prayer led by Tom Brown
- 9pm Compline led by Ben Williams
Friday 10th April: Good Friday
- 9am Morning Prayer led by Tom Brown
- 2pm Families Session (contact Ben Horrex for the link)
- 3pm Good Friday Reflection led by Lesley Turner
- 8pm Word and Worship for Good Friday led by Charlie Styles
Saturday 11th April
- 4pm Service to Remember led by Charlie Styles
This is a quiet service of reflection, when we remember those who have died. We light a candle in memory (try to have one ready) and look to Jesus for Gospel hope in the face of loss.
Sunday 12th April: Easter Sunday
- 10.30am Church Family Celebration with contributions from people in our three churches.