Blog Post New Year Reflection Charlie Styles December 31, 2018January 7, 2019 Do you make resolutions each New Year? And a few weeks later, do you find them broken and forgotten amidst a pile of good intentions?...
Events Encounters Charlie Styles November 30, 2018November 30, 2018 Encounters is a 7-week course looking at one of the biographies of Jesus. We'll be meeting together in an informal setting, looking at a different...
Photos Remembrance 2018 Church Tech November 17, 2018November 17, 2018 This year we marked 100 years since the end of World War One. In his sermon, Charlie reflected on the reasons for remembering: WHY REMEMBER?...
News New Safeguarding Policy Charlie Styles September 25, 2018September 26, 2018 Safeguarding is one of the most important duties of any organisation involved with children, young people and those vulnerable in any way. As a church...
Events News The Lutterworth Youth and Children’s Choir Charlie Styles September 14, 2018October 8, 2018 A new choir for children aged 7 to 18 New this September – a choir for children and young people in Lutterworth. We will sing...
Events Thy Kingdom Come in Lutterworth Church Tech May 4, 2018May 14, 2020 Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. During...
News The Word on Fire Church Tech April 9, 2018April 10, 2018 Picking up where the Gospel of Luke left off, the book of Acts describes how Jesus, having finished his work on the Cross, begins to...
News Good Friday Experience Church Tech March 22, 2018 As we come to the end of Holy Week and look towards Easter we remember how on Good Friday Jesus started his journey to his...
News Service to Remember Church Tech February 26, 2018March 5, 2018 This is a quiet service where we can remember loved ones who are no longer with us. As part of the floral decorations at Easter...