Remembrance 2018
This year we marked 100 years since the end of World War One. In his sermon, Charlie reflected on the reasons for remembering: WHY REMEMBER?...
Thy Kingdom Come in Lutterworth
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. During...
The Word on Fire
Picking up where the Gospel of Luke left off, the book of Acts describes how Jesus, having finished his work on the Cross, begins to...
Good Friday Experience
As we come to the end of Holy Week and look towards Easter we remember how on Good Friday Jesus started his journey to his...
Service to Remember
This is a quiet service where we can remember loved ones who are no longer with us. As part of the floral decorations at Easter...
Experience the Passover in Lutterworth
Passover Study Evening Tuesday 20th March - 7.30pm St. Mary's Church, Lutterworth We plan to explore the Passover instruction from Exodus 12 - the reminder...
Church Weekend Away 2018
Sign up to come and spend the weekend away from usual routine, relax, make friends and find out more about Jesus. To book your room...
Using the Gifts of the Spirit
The Rector and Ministry Team of St Mary’s Church, Lutterworth invite you to join us for a day of worship and teaching, Led by John...