Each term we take a part of the Bible and spend proper time digging deep into God’s word and asking him to speak to us by his Holy Spirit. This term, we begin a new series looking at the big issues of Money, Sex and Power. We’ll be in 1 and 2 Samuel, considering the lives of Kings David and Solomon. You might want to read the bible books in advance to help give you the big picture.
King David and his son Solomon ruled God’s people from approx. 1010 to 931 BC. At this point the nation state of Israel was at its height. All the promises of God appeared to have come true: God’s people had grown into a mighty nation, they were established in the peace and plenty of the Promised Land and enjoyed relationship with God through the operation of the Law.
In the midst of this peace, the lingering question was: will it last? The kingdom was establishment by the promises of God, but its security seems to rest on the faithfulness of God’s people, most specifically their king.
Many of us will know people whose lives have been torn apart by their own weaknesses. In the lives of David and Solomon, we see the big issues of life played out: money, sex and power.
As we study their lives in our new series, we will consider both the opportunities and pitfalls of God’s good gifts and the consequences of their choices and ours.
Recommended Books
This term we’re looking at some of the big issues that shape our lives and hope these books will help us to think deeply and Christianly.
Living in the Light represents a deep challenge. It illustrates how sinful humanity will take good things, and especially the best things, and use them for the lowest, meanest, most selfish purposes. It describes the importance, the beauty, and the benefit of seeing each as a path to glorifying God by finding satisfaction in God.
Tim Keller’s book Counterfeit Gods considers how we take the good gifts of money, sex and power and how, instead of using them well to serve God, we give them a too high place in our hearts and serve them as gods themselves. Keller diagnoses our problem and leads us towards the cure—true freedom through right worship of the one true God.
Discounted copies of both these books will be available in Lutterworth Church or you can order online.
Sunday Services
Every Sunday we meet at 10.30am and 4:30pm.
* denotes weeks with an 8am service of Holy Communion.
Sun 30th April
David and Samuel
1 Samuel 16
Sun 7th May
David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17
Sun 14th May *
David and the LORD
2 Samuel 7
Sun 21st May
David and Bathsheba
2 Samuel 11
Sun 28th May *
David and Nathan
2 Samuel 12
Sun 4th June
Weekend Away No 4:30pm
Acts 2:1-22
Sun 11th June *
David and Solomon
1 Kings 2
Sun 18th June
Solomon and the LORD
1 Kings 3
Sun 25th June *
Solomon and the Temple
1 Kings 8-9
Sun 2nd July
Solomon and the Queens
1 Kings 9:24-10
Sun 9th July *
Solomon and the Kingdom
1 Kings 11