Every few months we publish our newsletter – and encouraging collection of reviews, photos and thoughts about the life of our church. The September Issue is published today.
Here is Charlie’s introduction to Keeping Faith this month….
Lutterworth Church has a great history and many people come from all over the world to see our church, to hear the story of John Wycliffe and in some small way make contact with events hundreds of years ago, whose impact is still felt today.
This year marks the 500th anniversary of the European Reformation, which began when Martin Luther famously nailed his 95 theses (or arguments) to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany on 31st October 1517. In doing so, Luther became the catalyst for a spiritual movement that soon reached our shores. At the heart of the reformation was a conviction that we can be saved only through faith in the powerful work of God in Christ.
It is the beginning of that world-changing movement that Christians are celebrating this year. The seeds of that reformation began earlier in England through the work of John Wycliffe. His determination to return the church of his day to the Bible, rejecting the power, wealth and politics of the church, saw wonderful spiritual renewal and paved the way for Luther, Calvin, Cranmer and others a century later.
We want to honour these heroes of faith, not merely by remembering them, but by emulating them. We want to be a church listening to God’s voice and following his ways. As we do so, we believe that the future of our church will be as exciting as its past.
The latest issue of Keeping Faith is now available – drop into the church sometime and pick up a copy.