Christianity Explored starting soon

One of the best ways to learn about faith and consider the claims of Jesus is to do it with others. Christianity Explored is a seven-week course designed to help people investigate and evaluate the claims of Jesus.

Each evening includes a meal and a chance to meet others on the course. Then there is a short talk introducing the next part of the Christian faith. An important part of the evening is the opportunity to discuss with other people, both members of the church and other guests.

You might want to come along with a friend or a group, although many people will come by themselves.


Our course will run on Thursday evenings at the Lutterworth Cricket Club, starting on January 23rd.

  • 7 to 9pm, food will be served at around 7.15.
  • Lutterworth Cricket Club, Coventry Road, LE17 4RE
  • Starts: Thursday 23rd Jan

For more information, please contact Charlie Styles, charlie.styles[at] or visit the website

Course Outline

Thursday 23 JanuarySession 1 Good NewsCricket Club
Thursday 30th JanuarySession 2 Identity Karters Cafe, Church Street
Thursday 6th FebruarySession 3 Sin Cricket Club
Thursday 13th FebruarySession 4 The Cross Cricket Club
Thursday 20th FebruaryHALF TERM – NO MEETING
Thursday 27th FebruarySession 5 Resurrection Karters Cafe, Church Street
Thursday 5th MarchSession 6 Grace Cricket Club
Thursday 12th MarchSession 7 Come and Die Cricket Club
Friday 27th to Saturday 28th March Optional Residential Stable House, North Kilworth

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, we had to cancel the residential. To view the videos from the day away, please click on the links below.